
Our first HPB match against Asfalttisoturit, and it shows... Damn we are not used to that ping. Being a LPB is so much more fun, so we havent trained our HPB playing ;)

DM3 Fury 60 - AS 130

DM3 scores Autch. They ruled that RL, and that is the key to this map. Well we sucked here bigtime, and they were obviusly better.

DM2 Fury 108 - AS 100

DM2 	scores Few player changes here, and this map was quite equal. I was having really nightmare at start as i tried to get my position at upper rl... AS kept that teleport tightly. Well atleast we won this one.

And Final Results

Fury 168 Frags +/- AS 230 Frags +/-
Warlock 49 0 Roisto 75 +41
Simply 35 +8 Kalma 65 -22
Sissna 30 +1 Bad 56 +24
Ice 26 -22 Badspirit 22 -15
Beast 15 -30 Rebel 12 -13
Tomboy 13 -40