
cVH wanted rematch after we cut their long winning streak few weeks ago, and we expected them to be better prepared than on last time :)

2fort5 Fury 313 - cVH 713

2fort5 scores *sigh* Our defense went chaos, and cVH managed to make 4 caps, and when we were trying to stop 'em, i think that we were at almost 100% at the end... well we managed to stop those caps, but this map went really bad.

Bases Fury 395 - cVH 393

Bases scores We managed to make one cap at start, but then cVH got their defense working and middle part of map was quite much both teams just banging their heads against eachothers defenses, until right on the end, cVH managed to get our flag and made a cap, also we had their flag at our base when we ran out of time...dammit.. very tight round.

Final Score : Fury 708 - cVH 1106

No personal stats for TF matches. Team means everything