\\fury\fights.SFP & LGotS 01

Our biggest Clan war ever, 15vs15 against allied forces of SFP and LGotS, But hey, we can take two Clans at same time ;) At beginning of fight there was annoying delay 'cos some LGotS fighters thought that match was beginning one hour later... DOH. Rules were 2x20 min, TP3, no powerups in both rounds.

Death32c Fury 824 - SFP & LGotS 377?

Death32c scores Well a nice round for me, at start i was having little trouble to get on my position with armor & rl, but after a while, I just sit there and shooted respawning enemies ;) with no big trouble. I heard that in dm6 we had really hard time keeping our positions, and in dm2 lower rl there was quite a fight. 4 SFP/LGotS players dropped, i dont have screenshot from their frags yet but i'll update them asap. they probaply lost over 80 frags which are NOT yet counted.

Death32c Fury 836 - SFP & LGotS 506

E4M8 	scores This round was quite a mess. Apparently enemy noticed my good camping place on first round and usually when I was trying to get there, I get killed by enemy camper from there :( DM6 was hard time again, Spetnaz forgot?!? to go there to help our men there. Also in other areas there were a lot fighting, organized fighting was only a dream to us.

And Final Results

Fury 1660 Frags +/- SFP & LGotS 883+? Frags +/-
Spetnaz 191 +142 Radon 94 -33
Simply 157 +68 Topsecret 78 -25
Sissna 144 +99 Scorpion 74+? -3+?
Tomboy 136 +68 Scyscraper 65 -49
Puh 127 +31 Diabolos 64+? -51+?
Azo 114 +33 Raptor 62 -60
Beast 112 +19 Net Angel 60 -77
Ice 110 +49 Brax 57 -27
Norsu 97 0 Hellrais 56+? -29+?
X-Factor 96 +12 Pagan 52 -71
Bera 95 +31 Ares 50 -89
Zombie 90 +27 Ozzi 50 -102
FlaCk 72 -24 Hitman 49 -110
Leafhill 71 -12 Paradox 46 -109
pn 48 -50 Blaster 26+? -35+?
Statistics for Hellrais, Diabolos,Scorpion and Blaster are not complete due their disconnect in 1st round