Again a war against a dear enemy, TT. Match went technically quite ok to us, but TT had some serious problems...
VERY tight match, I personally got quite pissed of 'cos i couldn't get equipment for a major part of a round... And Spetnaz was most of the time at wrong place, dammit, buy better memory chip to your head =) We lost this only by 4 frags... !"#%#ยค(/ |
Well this went quite like we planned, clear victory to us. |
Yak. "Monkey-level" Surprisingly, our tactics worked on here, and we won this round. We really surprised ourselves here =) Couple time I managed to shout TT's flag carriers route to Simply, and he did great work returning flag both times. One time we had to show way to homebase to Sissna, who was quite lost with flag =) |
This went like we already feared before match, TT dominated whole time. Dammit I sucked on defense, well I know better where to be next time. |
Heh, TT can't still keep that Quad =) Simply gets quad, capture,quad,capture.... =) Until he got telefragged, dammit. But clear win to us anyway. |