Ancient News |
yawn | 22.09.1999 |
yep, we are still alive, maybe not active at quake-scene, but in other things. btw, if u see Rakke, kill him :) dunno if our "quake members" (i.e. puzler,marfik) are still Fury members... it would be nice to know for sure Oh, and we are having 3 year birthday party at Tampere, more info here , all Fury members are invited, and friends too, of course. btw, dont hold your breath waiting for new updates here :) |
Puzler joins Fury | 26.04.1999 |
Puzler joined Fury after some testing & talking.We shall see how he behaves
and playes.. hope he can bring some extra power to our game.. =)
We also started The Liiga called league with a victory over FU, match was
pretty easy because FU had lost some key players to other clans (goljat[glx]) Score: 533 - 121 (2-0) |
IRC | 18.03.1999 |
Statistics from our IRCnet channel #fury can be found at llamah's page |
Saunapikkujouluilta | 14.03.1999 |
Got pictures online at last.. check booze section.
fury.quake.inet.fi | 14.02.1999 |
Well, it's our server.. some ppl/clans have been using it,no problem there, but if you're gonna have importan match there we _strongly_ recommend
that you come and ask permission first 'cos we _will_ kick you out if we need it by ourselves... to any purpose,even if just Fury member wants to train some rl jumps etc :)
so ASK first so we dont have to kick you out, you wont like it as much as
we will ;)
Gloom | 13.02.1999 |
We had yesterday Gloom match against TIE, maybe it was even
first one in Finland?
We won, 27-0 (spawns), but 'cos match was maybe too quickly arranged,
it shrinked to 3vs3 :(
Well, next time with more players, i hope.
Our players were: Spetnaz, Beast and Juksu
Oldies goldies | 06.02.1999 |
I put those old match reports back online, including No Mercy reports... those
are really old, but some ppl seem to want get nostalgic every now and then, so
there u go.
Also updated members page..
Lowlifes loses some packets and fight | 03.02.1999 |
Damn raahenet. packet loss.. packet loss.. hey where are my quake packets?
and so we lost to HPR.. scores 246-170, maybe we could've done better
without that fucken packet loss.
Raagor The Räksy | 03.02.1999 |
Rakke (Previously in so many clans that there isnt space for all of them =))
has joined Fury after a large debate :). We now have atleast 5-6 active members
in our a-dm team and that should be enough.. atleast for this week ;) We have also lost all our heroes games, so we will playing this season for fun and training.. maybe we will win some games next season :) |
Lowlifes vs tKB | 31.01.1999 |
Lowlifes won the killer bunnies, total scores were 170-148
e3m3, tKB choice 100-68 ; this went ok, we havent played much this lvl.
dm3, our choice 70-80 ; damn we messed everything :(
Overall very nice match, quite equal and we managed to win it :) oh, and tKB has two ex-Fury's, Wizz and Rapist. They weren't really active in Fury, and so didn't get to chance to play in matches, hope they will have enough matches now. |
TF is dead, long live DM, CTF & Party | 20.01.1999 |
So, we wont play TF clan fights anymore... primary reason to this decision
was lack of players who actually like playing TF.
Those Fury members who want to play TF, are encouraged to join other clans
for TF, but still maintain our membership. So far, Thaq went to SSW, Warlock to Cute, Juksu to Crescent and Solmu to Ikiliekki to play TF. They all are still Fury members. |
matsi | 22.12.1998 |
We had a match against Midnight Order and we won (2-0)
matsi | 13.12.1998 |
We had a match against Hellfire and we won 449-43 (2-0)
matseja | 13.12.1998 |
DM games: against MVS 0-2 no comments against NP 0-2 we lose dm3 only with one frag aaaaaaaaargh against VV 1-3 LAG!!:) against IOP 2-0 :) |
matsi | 20.11.1998 |
We had a match against Fob and we won 403-101
untitled | 04.11.1998 |
We had a match against Galaxy (GLX) and we won 303-288
A new member | 02.11.1998 |
Marfik previously of clan Cute joined us.
matsi | 02.11.1998 |
We had a match against SIR and we won....dont remember frags.
Matsi | 25.10.1998 |
We had a match against TVS and we won. Results: 293-197
Schedule | 11.10.1998 |
So, Thaq have made excellent schedule page for us, contact Thaq to get your personal id+password. Schedule is located HERE, it may change in future, if Thaq thinks sometimes that it's perfect (read:it's not gonna move ever ;))
1st Anniversary! | 10.10.1998 |
Yeah, we have been known as Fury a year now, so this is officially our
1st anniversary, even thought many of our original members think that our
history is began in September 1996, when clans No Mercy and soon after Kolhoosi
were born. Later came our 2 other founder clans, Natural Born Fraggers and
Komposti(which still exists). And for a birthday present, we got new member, Gabo. "The Evil Engineer" }:) |
Comeback | 05.10.1998 |
WarLock came back to our ranks. And we managed to WIN a TF match. whoa ;) Our win came from Gmbh, with quite big numbers. |
TF trouble... and some other stuff | 28.09.1998 |
Well we have lost every TF match, to -I-, GB etcetc... but we are trying to do something about it, Fury's TF aint even nearly dead yet. I also updated our members section, sadly, hibba left, but on brighter side, skithund joined. Checked that members section... damn, we have 40 members... not all active, but members of our great(?) clan anyway. ...But where is Charlie? we havent heard from him in well over a month... |
HuoH | 15.09.1998 |
Totally lazy not updating.... _many_ things missing, lost and won battles
etc etc... best source for news concerning Fury is #fury at ircnet, if you're interested. btw i think we have full 40 members, Charlie and pn just havent been updated (surprise) to members page. On a good side, it seems that we're gonna go to Titanic II with quite bunch of ppl, so see you there. |
Members and battles | 22.08.1998 |
hibba joined to our TF section, and fov got membership when he moved to Kolhoosi. 16.8 we crushed PCR in TF, they are really newbies in TF so no glory from here ;) 20.8 we got crushed by VT in TF, "we only had 8 versus their 10whinewhine" :) but it was our problem, and defeat is a defeat. |
matsi | 11.08.1998 |
We had a match against CZ and we won. Results: 527-33
Lazy updating... | 08.08.1998 |
Well, we lost to to IoP before that Deadly match and also won against Gunslingers (DM match). Also we welcome a new DM player to our forces, Charlie, also known as Flagg from FAQ to us "oldies" |
korjaus | 08.08.1998 |
The match against deadly ended 376-95
Matsi | 08.08.1998 |
We had a match against Deadly and we won..results..hmmm..about 360-120 or something like that
Dammit | 27.07.1998 |
Our waited revenge against Dope failed, we managed to win their map, e1m2,
but in DM2 we sucked with help of bad luck, so... dammit.
TF after a while | 25.07.1998 |
We played TF match against Gunslingers after long break, and we think that we
made it pretty good, lost well6 only with 8 frags was very good considering that many of us haven't even touched TF for a while...
Sigh.... | 21.07.1998 |
Some genious (our member... i'm gonna give u some fun when i remember who u were) said to me that cmf stands for clan mortal fury... it actually is
clan MalFunction, so that match reported here before is against them, not against mortal fury (which doesnt exist... i really dont care to remember all clans)
| |
Women.. can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em | 21.07.1998 |
Our first female member, Solmu joined us today. Welcome.
Another win | 20.07.1998 |
Win against Clan Mortal Fury, scores: dm2 194 - 8, e1m2 122 - 112 so final score
is 316 - 120.
Boys just wanna have phun.. | 19.07.1998 |
Phew. Simply does not like massacres but I bet rest of us do. We just had a nice
gibshow with our mortal enemy, Gunslingers, which were not familiar with that mod, I knew that allready, but whatta heck, it's all about having phun, ain't it ? Result (unofficial) 4237-29 (ctf2m8/ctf2m2.
Oh. Our TF Reunion happening (and 1st tf match for ages) is near. Q (tuttu potseista) joined our gang. Hej! :)
Aaah sweet revenge | 18.07.1998 |
Had rematch against clan hemul, this time all of us were playing full game and we managed to kick them 279-100.
CTF | 17.07.1998 |
We crushed PoM in CTF, we only played maps once since PoM decided that we were
that much better, scores in ctf2m8 was 1156 - 0, and in ctf5 770 - 104
Couple matches again | 16.07.1998 |
Yesterday we had 2 AFITD matches, first was against Crusaders and we won it
thanks to our good performance in dm2 :) Second match was quickly arranged match with clan Hemul, and 1st round was quite disaster, thanks to TomBoy who decided to leave at some point, resulting that rest of map was 3vs4... We managed to win second round(3vs3), so rematch is coming soon. (both rounds were dm2) |
Can't make a Clan without few member changes. | 06.07.1998 |
Jsa and WarLock decided to leave us for personal reasons. Also pn went to play
TF into clan Gunslingers few days earlier. We wish that they will have fun in future, whatever they decide to do. On the brighter side, we got some reinforcements too, in form of Brax. |
100. Match. Party time | 06.07.1998 |
Wow. It has really happened, we managed to fight our 100. battle yesterday ,
and even win it. Match was against PainCreators and our glory team in
this historical match was: Micron, Xfactor, WarLock and Beast in first round
and Ice replacing Beast in second. Scores were 601 - 162 to us, DM6 being little bit chaos but DM2 went better.
Moooreeee matchesss | 05.07.1998 |
We had a match against The Viper Squad and we won 398-133.
lisää matseja | 04.07.1998 |
We had a match against CMF and we won 294-90.
pari matsia | 04.07.1998 |
We had a match against HHC on thursday and we won 292-82.
Today we played against Forsaken and we won 394-149.
Fight and member changes. | 30.06.1998 |
Lost against DopE yesterday,rounds went 1-1. And here comes the official excuse: Tomboy's net crashed and he could't get to first round, so XFactor came to replace him. Mooniz was on work, i think, and he wasn't playing at all, so I was replacing him.We are gonna get rematch. Oh, and we have taken Mooniz for a trial, but his playing looks good, so i think we are gonna take him in to our mad group. Also on members, pn decided to go play some TF with Gunslingers, and is no longer our member. |
Quake holiday is over, time to kick ass again :) | 24.06.1998 |
Tonight we won DM games against FAK and UL, UL match was our first AFITD fight
if UL confirms it.
Spetnaz left the building | 16.06.1998 |
Our worst DM-player Spetnaz :)left our clan a couple of weeks ago
He went to hmmm what was that pathetic small clan hmm it might have been X or
XZ or z or something like that anyway a very unimaginative short name.
Old news with new look | 20.05.1998 |
These news are "little" bit late 'cos we changed the look and functions of our
www pages quite much. So, we came on third place on SM-league's DM section. And we lost in SM-league's final TF game to Gunslingers, so we came to second in there...We already were in lead on second map, but server crashed and we played it again, and Thaq showed good sportmanship by going to watch X-Files in middle of the round... so we lost it by small margin. |
Fury news - online at last | 19.05.1998 |
I finally got some spare time to fix this thing for good and now it works.
All fury members have phun if u know the magic word :)
OAS suffers LAG again | 02.02.1998 |
This match was played in a tight schedule. TK96 wanted to get their asses kicked at 16:00 pm
and OAS (our cemetary for wannabe-students .. ehh dorm ) was freezed. 50% ploss with 400 ping
and everything is fine :) Thank god Kolhoosi had perfect ping and no ploss at all so our defense
based on kolhoosi fellas were almost incredible.
| |
No guts, no glory | 31.01.1998 |
Couple of TF matches today. 1st one was against our dear friends, Gunslingers and we lost it.
It was very tight in 3 levels (rock1,bases,2fort5) but in well6 we sucked a lot and that's why we lost
this match. Crom and Warlock were M.I.A and our "the-guy-who-covers-anybody" Ice was missing too.
2nd match was against Pots (People of the Sun) and we barely won this one. Both matches were
playing in a row and I must say 6 hours with Quake without any breaks is too much, at least with
minor hangover.
| |
Kaos & Anarchy :) | 30.01.1998 |
4 vs 4 Deathmach fight against clan Kaos .. nothing to say, except no extra glory or fame
for crushing 'em 'coz they were kinda newbies in this matter.
| |
Fury gets a lesson in TF | 29.01.1998 |
Team Fortress match against Cute, and we get crushed :( Well, maybe we learn something from
this, and we hope that we dont have lag next time like we had in this match... Well
Cute is old veteran in TF, we need a LOT training before we can fight tightly against them,
lag or not.
| |
CTF Server | 29.01.1998 |
New great CTF server is up and running at last, at CTF.CS.HUT.FI ,all Finnish CTF players
go there NOW. It is officially supported by Fury, so if it happens that there aint enough players
there, come to #fury, or go to #tunti, #wuff or #sir and GET players there. Now get out
from www, and go PLAY SOME CTF! BTW, Server is provided by TT, so thanks go to that direction. THANX ;) | |
Lagged but Victorious | 28.01.1998 |
A very tight match agains The Forsaken, partially 'cos most of us had terrible
packet loss, They fought well, but it just wasn't enough against our fighters.
| |
Fury falls down on floor laughing | 28.01.1998 |
Hih, Damn those stupid people can be funny... At Anarchy, some stupid newbie comes and
claims that we are cheaters, and we ask why he thinks so. "U have models" Well of course we had...
standard ones... ;) and then Sissna killed that newbie by shooting wall near that newbie...
Again "cheater!"... this guy obviusly havent heard about radial damage ;)
Damn we got good laughs at IRC
| |
Fury slaps FAK around with a large trout | 27.01.1998 |
One word defines this match: Bloodbath
| |
untitled | 24.01.1998 |
Boy this ITFL looks promising. 2nd game, 2nd deafult victory as enemy doesn't show up.
Maybe we are gonna go to finals without playing a single game... hmmm ;)
Total war against united forces of SFP & LGotS 15vs15, Enemy gave us a good struggle, but at the end there can be only one, and only Fury fighters came home from this gibparty. | |
Fury A crushes cheaters | 22.01.1998 |
Lame shit clan feeled what we do to cheaters in Quake CTF but hey
man, we're really pissed off, read that report from battles section and find out why.
| |
Whining 'bout fps | 20.01.1998 |
Our first official TF match which we really played, and immediatly against old TF veterans, Clan Vallasherra. We decided to go to school to play, so we could be in same room but unfortunately, computers in there weren't fast enough (seliseli :)
| |
Fury A has hope, Fury B lost it's last ONCLE game | 20.01.1998 |
Fury A was back against wall in match against PnP, we _had_ to win to maintain
little hope to get forward in ONCLE. Great play from Fury A team, and pure 3-0 victory.
Fury B had its last fight in ONCLE against SIR, neither one had possibility to continue in ONCLE, so it was only fight for which is better of those 2 teams. Fury B won map from each round, but SIR won other maps from rounds with more frags and so total victory 3-0 to SIR.
Tonite we have our 1st official TF match ( if we don't count our "lucky" itfl game,
and we won't ) against clan Vallasherra. Talk 'bout easy living.. "huh"
| |
Fury gets lucky - ja eikun lottoamaan :) | 18.01.1998 |
Our job at ITFL starts with nice game against swedish clan SOD... heard about match 5 minutes before fight, but apparently SOD was so scared about us that they didn't even show up ;)
| |
A pain in our arse ... | 16.01.1998 |
Challenged by FAQ, our boys went to war with waving flags and
came back in plastic bags. We rest in pieces. No more quake for
us, we are going to farming business.. carrots, potatoes, you know that stuff :)
| |
Ratol spawns another 2 new members.. | 15.01.1998 |
Our arsenal just keeps getting heavier as Norsu joined our happy "little" group.
Also we got some international color as imi, originally from Hungary joined to
our lines too. Now we have already 33! members, althought everybody aren't so
| |
High Tides...err.. Pings | 12.01.1998 |
Our first HPB match against Asfalttisoturit, and it shows... Damn we are not used to that ping and we lost a grip of it. And another experience with lagproxy was goming
,as we expected tough match as BoM had defeated AS earlier, but this match went quite well what comes to our playing. Again, Battles-section has some stories.
| |
Some cute posters | 12.01.1998 |
I just got some fucking nice posters from Eetvar[C]. If you know "asemanlapset"
campaign, check these out! If you don't .. do it anyways!
| |
Talvisota part 2 | 12.01.1998 |
Well, nice match against Clan Cencored, 4 vs 4 match which ended
Fury 371 - CC 82. Those +/- statistics are crushing, so check em out from
battles section. Two matches coming today (Asfalttisoturit and Brothers
of Metal) so ppl can't call us lazy :)
| |
Talvisota | 11.01.1998 |
Battles-section is now updated. At the beginning of christmas vacation,
Fury lost a DM match against Cute. ART vs Fury match were official after all
so I replaced it. And last & least, Fury A lost (for the very 1st time)
a CTF match against Warriors of Realm. Oncle's 1st round is coming to the end
and we can't wait if out A team makes it to the semifinals.
| |
03.01.1998 | |
We're back. At least most of us are. What happaned then .. ? Nothing. Xmas is boring. There was a nice story 'bout Simply and Tomboy but they requested it to be cencored. Douh.. | |
It's Christmas, well almost..? | 15.12.1997 |
Well I'm off to Christmas vacation so these pages are not updatet for a while. I can't
say how long I'm gone but not forever, I promise u that. Maybe back just after new
year, maybe later or even earlier. But anyway FURY wishes
for all u cool guys (and girls), you now who u are. Cu. - Micron
| |
15.12.1997 - Skins Revealed | 15.12.1997 |
Our official release date of 2 Fury skins. Other one, the one which we'll use
from now on, is created by Moku of Cute, thanks. Other one, our "Father Christmas"
suit is for christmas use only. It's from the shaking mouse and "terveet kädet"
of Beast^Fury. Check 'em out
| |
Brotherhood of Fury | 12.12.1997 |
2 new members.. Gee we are growing. Fury seems to be nowdays Biggest
and Cutiest clan in Finland. Watch out. Oh, almost forgot, welcome Azo and Puh.
You're looking for it ? Go ahead, challenge us, make our day !
(TF, CTF, DM, u name it)
| |
Oncle Experiences | 11.12.1997 |
Again sweet victory for Fury B team at Oncle. Fury B vs The Knights Who, until recently, Said Nii!
, 2109 - 429, what means
3 pts. Well done boys. B team got 1st clean victory at Oncle "And those A team folks told us we are lowlife loosers?" | |
Stock market news ... Faq (-12.5) ... Fury (+50.2) ... | 9.12.1997 |
Finally after months of thretening, bribing and desparate whining,
Spetnaz decided to join to the great brotherhood of Fury.
Spetnaz's own comment : "It seemed that all the roads went to Fury.. so I decided to follow one :)" | |
Oncle experiences | 07.12.1997 |
At LAST ! 1st victory for Fury B team at Open Nordic Capture League, shortly
known as ONCLE.
"Resistance is futile", but U Clan didn't believe that :) well.. I'm off to bar
now for some celebrating..
Btw, Crom and pn are now in Fury B team as Screw went to states and Load disactivated
himself ( not for a long time, we hope )
| |
Oncle experiences | 07.12.1997 |
Fury A vs mighty Blizkrieg Brothers.. this was a close one, in many ways.
Simply got sick some days ago and spent some time at the hospital. He came
back "home" just couple of hours before the match. Scores : 2 - 1 (AGAIN!)
| |
Oncle experiences | 03.12.1997 |
Fury A vs Euthanasia. Score : 2-1. Not much to say 'bout this one.
| |
Mainospalat | 01.12.1997 |
As Imaniac/ATC mentioned, you can get almost everything you need from #fury, the
one and only irc channel, including booze, quake and warez :)
(hell, where are chicks? well they are coming in next upgrade) | |
Fresh Blood | 01.12.1997 |
As pre-gift for Christmas, Micron, Ice and some other guys decide to give Jsa
a full membership of Fury. Mainly because he moved to Kolhoosi-palace and
is having a good time camping on sci.fi as an lpb.
Jsa is also our technical advisor and he's also a cool guy,
but he doesn't booze so many times per week as Micron for example
( well no one can beat him, except maybe Beast, if he just
could have enough funding for that )
| |
The day we sucked again | 30.11.1997 |
And again, it was B teams turn to get some ... butts kicked. This time they were 2nd Chapter,
those evil swedish quad lovers. Damn we hate those ID levels and it seems
that all Oncle-swe teams are choosing that crappy E4M3. Well you must hate them for that,
don't you? ( hehe )
| |
Turpaan to Tunti Turpaan | 28.11.1997 |
And when Fury B team lowlife loosers were holding their noses, A team kicked the crap
out of TT. But the final score was 2-1, so what went wrong? Guess .. Yeah, right.
Simply's tactics :) quote "vittu mää kädetin"
| |
Oncle experience | 27.11.1997 |
Fury B team was set againt Hellraisers from Sweden. And lava was hot :)
As you can guess, it was defeat. This was Oncle division match and we noticed
that those *.*.ee oncle servers suck. They give us 999 pings and timeouts, and
if we get a connect on 'em, they crash :) .. huoh. Thanks for Analog / TT for
putting up not-official-yet Oncle server. Nice piece of hardware.
| |
Kooma | 18.11.1997 |
Micron celebrated his birthday. Total chaos and 3 days of hardcore boozing. We finally decided that Fury is not an Quake clan, it's boozing society.. 25 vuotta eikä suotta :) | |
Finest Hour | 10.11.1997 |
Our 1st official clanmatch against Adeptus Terminus
[ATC]. This was a friendly fight but not just a training, so victory is official and battlereport
is readable at "Battles" section
| |
Oncle preseason match, Fury B - OFF | 09.11.1997 |
Our 2nd preseason match at ONCLE ,
Open Nordic Capture League. Fury B team played against Only For Fun.
The game was 4 x 15mins match, 2 x CTF2M1 (OFF choice) and 2 x CTF4 (our choice) and
again, final score was not counted, only map winnings were.
The game ended OFF 4 - Fury 0, shamely, but we are just Fury B-class lowlifes and we suck.
"Kyllä oli kyyti kylmää" | |
Oncle preseason match, Fury A 1015 - TSP 582 | 08.11.1997 |
Our 1st fight at ONCLE ,
Open Nordic Capture League. This was just a preseason warmup. Our A team played against The Swedish Predators
[TSP] and our guys beat crap out of them.
It was 4 x 15mins match, 2 x CTF2M8 (our choice) and 2 x DM3 (TSP choice) and since final score was not
counted, only map winnings were, game ended Fury 3 - TSP 1. Tomorrow its Fury B team vs OFF.
Yes we have two teams at Oncle, that's because we have so many active CTF players. Fury A team is : Simply, Ice, Zombie, Bera, Warlock, Tomboy and Fury B team : X-factor, Micron, Load, Beast, Screw, Slide. | |
Bera moved to Kolhoosi | 04.11.1997 |
Bera^fury says "paipai" to OAS and it's lousy network, and joins the brotherhood of
kolhoosi. He's now living with Micron & X-factor as a roommate, not a bedmate eh :)
He also took his wife-to-be with him, so we finally got our own dishwasher.
| |
Fury as living target | 26.10.1997 |
We tried to teach some battleskillz to Finteam but it seems that we failed to
share our wisdom 'coz Swedish mob kicked their asses easily.
| |
Judgement Day | 10.10.1997 |
After some hardelli with alternate clannames, we decided to call our new clan as FURY.
We came from such clans as Kolhoosi, Komposti, Nocy and NBF. Why joining forces?
Well at 1st, all Fury members are studying at
Raahe Institute Of Computer Engineering,
and we have really good time when we are boozing and partying together.
After a while, we decided to take members from other directions, and Tomboy joined.
Read more 'bout our history by doing-the-click-stuff at the main page somewhere :)
Notice that we are not just a Quake clan, we have lotsa parties and fragfests IRL too.
And that's what makes us so strong.
"Kohta jokaisessa meissä asuu pieni Fury" |